Working Equitation Club Idaho TM
Dedicated to Good Horsemanship and Fostering Camaraderie

First, we always start with the history. Equitation, the act or art of riding on horseback was first defined as basics by the Greek philosopher and master horseman Xenophon around 400 B.C.
In the Middle Ages, speed and maneuverability of the horse was harnessed for combat. The first European riding academies opened in the 16th century, where riders were taught how their positions and aids directly influenced the way the horse traveled. Thus “equitation” became defined as “communication”.
In the 21st century (2004), the World Association of Working Equitation was formed to govern this new sport showcasing the versatility and skill of working horses trained to handle the daily demands on the farm moving cows while easily navigating obstacles.
Modern World Beginnings
Of all the disciplines and events in the world, of equitation, Working Equitation is perhaps the newest. Its origins can be found in the countries of Portugal, Spain, France and Italy, with the first international competition in 1996.
After 3 generations of organized Working Equitation groups in America, USA Working Equitation (USAWE) was founded in 2020. In 2022, the World Association of Working Equitation (WAWE) recognized USAWE and welcomed us into the fold of the international family of incredible competitors, remarkable show staff, and well educated judges.
The international component and future potential with USAWE (international competition and possibly Olympic team competitions) is an exciting part of WE for many enthusiasts.

2022 Western Zone Championship Regions 1 & 2

Zone Championships occur once a year.
To be eligible to compete, a horse-rider pair must earn a combined average of 58% or higher in Dressage and EOH
(L1-L7) and successfully complete the Speed trial (L2-L7) at a minimum of two licensed shows within a specific performance level. Same goes if
horse-rider pair moves up a level.
Western Zone 1&2. Central Zone 3,4,5. Eastern Zone 6&7.