Working Equitation Club Idaho TM
Dedicated to Good Horsemanship and Fostering Camaraderie
To Working Equitation
4 Trials: Dressage, Ease of Handling, Speed and Cattle
3 Divisions: Amateur, Open, Junior
7 Levels: Introductory (L1), Novice (L2-L3), Intermediate (L4-L5),
Advanced & Master (L6-L7)
Any Breed, Any Saddle, Any Attire

The logo represents the 4 trials of Working Equitation and highlights the diversity the sport is known in the United States.
The first image depicts a mule, being ridden in Western tack and attire in the Dressage trial.
The second image showcases an Iberian horse in traditional Iberian tack and attire performing in the EOH trial.
The third image shows a horse of indeterminate breeding, rider in English tack and attire, competing in Speed trial.
Together, all three riders represent a team competing together in the Cattle trial. Although the cow is not shown directly, the three teammates are working in concert. The image is intended to elicit the feeling of excitement and movement as the team moves their designated cow toward the holding pen to the far right, off the page.
Here is a 1-page printable document that describes what Working Equitation is all about. Print and share the fun.
Here is a printable brochure you can use to advertise your fun new sport. It has the Affiliate Organization's name on the front page. You can staple your business card across that space to market to your students.
About Us
Working Equitation
Club Idaho TM
USA Working Equitation
Affiliate Organization

In August 2021, our association with USA Working Equitation (USAWE) began as an Affiliate Organization (AO) known as Idaho OregonTrail Working Equitation (IDOT-WE) Our active riders asked about forming an official club. In March 2023, we vote to file a LLC with the Idaho Secretary of State (SOS) to form a legal club. Come to find out, we are the 8th equine club in all of Idaho. The success of legal filing and USAWE name was announced on social media March 16, 2023. We have emerged as Working Equitation Club Idaho TM.
Introducing Working Equitation to Southern Idaho answered the call of newly transplanted Idahoans asking about how to find WE, and brought retired and semi-retired folks out to try something new, Working Equitation the fastest growing sport in America. Our biggest advocate said, "Build it and they will come." And so we did. A few clinics, schooling shows, and practice sessions in 2022 transformed the dream into reality.
Early Spring 2023 Training Sessions have sprung up across the Treasure Valley, Fun Mock Shows and USAWE Licensed Shows are on the calendar, with some riders keeping their eye on the prize to compete in the Western Zone Championships October 4-11, 2023 at the Big Sky Horse Park in MT. Everyone seems to be talking about Working Equitation, and getting in on the action.